Welcome to my first BLD Experiences blog post, it is a pleasure to have you here!
This blog has been in the works for THE longest time. I honestly don’t know what was stopping me – well saying that… the pandemic kind of came crashing in and ruined any travel plans I had. So I guess there is that LOL.
My creation of BLD came from my wanderlust, I am really passionate about exploring and getting to experience different cultures. Although I have found that there are barriers to doing this as a Black, Lesbian, Disabled (BLD) woman. Lack of access really affects my ability to be more adventurous at times. So for me it is important to create a platform where I can document and share my experiences as a BLD woman. With this blog, I hope to help other Black, Queer Disabled people access spaces that they’ll enjoy and feel comfortable in.
I have come across very few disabled travel blogs. None of these were by young Black people, they didn’t capture activities that I enjoy doing whilst travelling. So, you know the saying ‘if you want something done properly, do it yourself’. Yeah well this is what I am attempting to do. But saying this, I do not wish to erase any Black disabled persons hard work in creating disabled travel content. I would love to hear about any if you have come across them. Please do comment below if you know any blogs by Black Queer Disabled people that you think I may be interested in.

I hope by creating this blog I am able to meet more Black disabled people!
You may have been reading this and thought… ‘but why do all these identities matter? Why not just write a blog talking about my experiences as a Black woman travelling or as a Disabled woman travelling?’. Well, the short answer to this is: because I am all of them and they are all of me. I cannot escape any of my identities, I will always be a Black, Lesbian, Disabled woman no matter what situation I am in. All my identities impact my experiences and how I navigate my life. For example, when I travel, I always have to think about whether there is wheelchair access, whether the place is notorious for their racism and/or homophobia.
Now, I hear and see a lot of people say “but no one can tell your sexuality”, which is not true for all by the way, but I also shouldn’t have to hide it. I shouldn’t have to hear or be near people that are sprouting homophobic or transphobic bull’. I should be able to go places and feel safe and confident in my Blackness, Queerness and Disabledness (out here creating words, Disability just didn’t flow LOL). I hope you now understand. But if you did think either of those questions as you read along, I would definitely like to recommend broadening your reading and look at what ‘intersectionality’ (Crenshaw, 1989) means.
- I am a 21-year-old, Black, Disabled, Lesbian woman (who occasionally uses Queer interchangeably).
- A second-generation Brit, although I am very connected to my West Indian Heritage; I hold a lot of pride in my culture.
- I recently university graduate.

- I am an ambulatory wheelchair user, I use an electric wheelchair and believe me, this information is key. It has a big impact on my experiences and my ability to access particular spaces.
- I am a Soca head through and through, I also love my Reggae and Dancehall – so any accessible events and I will attempt to be there 😂

- Muay Thai was my loved back in the days, now I just have to sit and enjoy watching it when I can. I have also been adapting workouts to suit my current ability.
- Food is my best friend! When the movie Ratatouille first came out, I wanted to become a food critic. I have since determined that although I love trying new foods. I am really picky. There are specific things that are a big no, no. However, I find as I have aged, my palate has matured! I even eat sushi now, but I might have just finally found good sushi lol.
That’s my best friend!😁 lool nah on a serious note I’m so proud of you! You know me I get bored very easily but I honestly enjoyed reading that, can’t wait to read more and be at your side when your actually going on these adventures to write about!😂❤️
Ayyye😂❤️ So happy you enjoyed reading it! Yesss, I cannot wait!
Hello BLD💕
Welcome to the beautiful world that is blogging. It’s great that you finally took the leap.
Thank you for the warm introduction into your world. No one can tell your story better than you and that right there is power.
I also am a fellow soca, reggae and dancehall lover 🤪✌🏾 So, that alone tells me that you have good taste lol. I’m excited for more content and I can’t wait for you to experience what it’s like for more people to connect with your story.
Stay blessed girl💕
Hey Jenna 💛
Thank you so much for your kind words and welcome!
I love that! What is the world without Soca, Reggae or Dancehall haha.
I really hope you stay with me through this journey and enjoy what I have to share 💛xx
It’s amazing that you have started this blog for yourself and also others to read up about the struggles your identities have when travelling. I am looking forward to reading more as you start to be able to travel again.
Also you’re 100% right on the BLD side having an effect on all your travelling, it’s good for people to be aware of what sort of areas might be dangerous or unkind to certain identities. Thanks for sharing x
Thank you for such nice comments and for reading Zoë! I cannot wait to start blogging about travels as soon as we can get out and about again!
Despite not travelling at the moment I am still blogging so I hope you enjoy them in the meantime 💛
Love this blog and what it stands for. Also fact that all your identities are important to you and you feel comfortable sharing/expressing them. You or anyone shouldn’t have to dampen any of your identities to be accepted, society should be the one adapting! Can’t wait for more blog posts x
Amen! Ha-ha, they definitely do need to be the ones adapting. Thank you for reading! I am so glad you enjoyed this post x